English version
We are a team of qualified specialists united by one common idea - the integration of modern optical, measuring, laser and fiber-optic equipment.
A well-established supply strategy, an ever-expanding customer base and new partnerships with global European and Asian manufacturers have shown that our team has a clear vision of its mission to develop and promote sustainable and growing research activities in Russia and around the world in areas such as:

We are valued for our comprehensive approach to business, responsible and careful attitude, flexibility and individual approach to each client.
We are used to setting ambitious goals for ourselves and achieving them; interesting tasks and their daily solutions are what bring us pleasure and income.

We know that there is nothing more valuable to a long-term, effective partnership than trust, so we work hard to emphasize this principle. The more we cooperate, the more we trust each other. A procurement vision and a firmly established strategy allow us and our partners to achieve common mutually beneficial goals.
And within the framework of this partnership, we can be useful to each other in such areas of supply of scientific equipment as:
- Optic tables and optomechanics
- Spectrometers and measurement equipment
- Optic fiber and fiber optic components
- Optical components and crystals
- Lasers and laser systems
- Terahertz equipment
- Radiation conversion devices
- Ultrashort pulse equipment
Several years of hard, but enjoyable work on building client networks yields great results - our regular customers are hundreds of the largest State Universities and high-tech governmental laboratories. Although a thousand projects were presented, we always excited to begin a new one, because any idea can be developed into something unique through collective brainstorming.

Without a doubt, we always need partners with whom we can make new plans for the future and conquer new innovative heights.
We look to the future with great enthusiasm and are always open to new opportunities and working with reliable partners.
You can always contact us in any form convenient for you.