Главная / English

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Warm welcome,

We are INSCIENCE and we are delighted to accept a challenge to promote state-of-the-art optical solutions in all Russian territory.

Well-established supplement strategy, permanently expanding client base and new partnerships with European and Asian manufacturers has shown that our enthusiastic team has a clear vision for its mission to nurture and assist sustained and growing research activities in photonics domain for Russia and Worldwide Research Area. 

Customers who trust us

care_v3-fill Several years of hard, but enjoyable work on building client networks yields great results - our regular customers are hundreds of the largest State Universities and high-tech governmental laboratories. Although a thousand projects were presented, we always excited to begin a new one, because any idea can be developed into something unique through collective brainstorming.

Our partners

hands_y1-fill 2 We know that there is nothing more precious to long-standing effective partnership than friendship, so we seize every moment to emphasize this principle. The more we cooperate, the more we trust each other. Procurement vision and firmly established strategy enable us and our partners to reach mutual goals.

Mostly supplied equipment:

Science library

professional_v1-fill “Unique” is a quite simple, short and concise description of our Library – educational portal on our website. Library includes lots of thoughtful and actual information about physical features of optical materials, advanced imaging methods, laser fundamentals and much more. Undoubtedly, science intrigues young and talented students, who often visited our site to satisfy their curiosity, and for this reason, INSCIENCE team continues to grow and attract new specialists. 

News & Events

team_v2-fill Did you know if a scientific conference is not only about various traditional lectures and presentations but also an excellent opportunity to meet and spend an unforgettable time together with good friends? 

As an experienced international conferences organizer and sponsor, we are particularly pleased to prove it! Each year we call together several hundreds of experts, scientists and manufacturers from all of the world to enable them to share unmatched professional knowledge and practical experience directly and openly. In addition to abstract sessions, discussions, financial resources, and even a cultural program we always highlight the importance of personal communication and strive to give the pleasure of meeting with all our colleagues. 

Through the trustful, reliable and positive collaboration with our partners, each scientific event always turns into a great celebration, where everyone knows: today brings us together for achieving better things, for achieving more.

To bring our customers the most affordable prices and best products possible, we work with manufacturers from across the globe! 


If you’re interested in becoming our partner or whether you want to learn about local market demands, please contact us:

E-mail info@in-science.ru, Moscow +7 (495) 199-0-199, Saint-Petersburg + 7 (812) 628-0-199


Best regards,

InScience LOGO_White&Blueццкуцкcascasca

Новые статьи
Квантовая обратная связь с использованием оборудования Zurich Instruments
В статье описаны конфигурации и характеристики локальной и глобальной квантовой обратной связи при использовании оборудования Zurich Instruments для активного сброса кубитов, масштабируемых квантовых вычислений и квантовой коррекции ошибок.
Улучшения реализаций систем квантового распределения ключей в атмосферных каналах с использованием сверхпроводящих детекторов

В статье рассматриваются последние достижения в решении проблем систем квантового распределения ключей, работающих на длине волны 1550 нм в открытом оптическом канале связи.  Уменьшение влияния солнечной засветки и атмосферной турбулентности достигнуто благодаря сверхпроводящим детекторам.

Корреляция фотонов с использованием современного оборудования IDQ

В обзоре затрагиваются такие области применения корреляции фотонов, как характеристика источника одиночных фотонов, фотонная корреляционная спектроскопия, улучшение отношения сигнал/шум в LiDAR приложениях.

У Вас особенный запрос?
У Вас особенный запрос?
Весьма часто наши заказчики лучше нас знают, какое оборудование им нужно. В этом случае мы берём на себя общение с производителем, доставку и таможенную очистку, а также все вопросы гарантийного периода. Пожалуйста, заполните эту форму, и мы свяжемся с Вами, чтобы помочь решить любую Вашу задачу. Или позвоните нам по телефону +7(495)199-0-199
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